Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14th

United States

Higher tax hikes welcome the New Year in Illinois.

Importance: The inability of Illinois to reverse the 13 billion dollar debt it has is leading towards much higher taxes for those who live in the Land of Lincoln. Among other types of taxes, state income taxes are jumping from 3% to 5%. It is a large jump, but Illinois still remains on the much lower side of the spectrum. California, for example, has income taxes of 9.55%. Though this can surely hurt a weak economy, it may be the only final option for lawmakers who are responsible for sinking another U.S. state. California, we know how you feel.

Stricter gun laws are debated in the aftermath of the Arizona shooting.

Importance: The shooting that left six dead and about a dozen wounded, including the representative Gabrielle Giffords, has aroused the old debate about the rights of gun ownership. After most tragedies, gun sales increase and this time was no different. Whether anything would change nationally is debatable, while locally in Arizona not a whole lot.


Massive flooding strikes around the world.

Importance: Flooding, encompassing an area the size of France and Germany combined, devastated Australia this week without any solutions quite yet. Almost 500 dead in Brazil while around one million evacuated from their homes in Sri Lanka. The massive floods, big snowstorms, and wild weather overall may be partially to do with global warming. 2010 was the wettest year yet, while this past decade was much warmer than usual. Though the earth has normal cycles of warming and cooling, not all scientists can agree on which has had the stronger impact.

Both the North African countries of Algeria and Tunisia face heavy rioting.

Importance: The former colonies of France and ancient lands of Carthage have seen very similar protests breaking out over many similar problems. Though both countries have many things in common, (shared border, unemployment, demographic woes, pathetic governments, and an Arab background) these riots are not related. Dozens have died so far, and since the entire Arab world essentially shares the same traits of oppressive governments and suffering people, this may lead to further civil unrest in other countries.

Lebanese government collapses as ministers leave.

Importance: Hezbollah, the terrorist-organization that is funded by Iran, has toppled the Lebanese government because of their involvement with a UN tribunal into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The terrorist organization does not want its followers to learn that they are responsible for the murder of Hariri. Hezbollah was sharing power in the Lebanese government. The region is now facing uncertainty as a return to sectarian violence nears. Western countries, such as Israel and the United States, are eyeing to make sure Hezbollah does not instigate a coup d’état; If so, a possible war may erupt.

Thought of the Day: Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water. They have a gland that filters out the salt, and after consuming the remaining liquid they discard the salt.

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