Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28th

United States

Illinois Supreme Court allows Rahm Emanuel to remain on Chicago mayoral ballet.

Significance: After typical political games that ended up with the temporary removal of Emanuel from the candidacy, a lengthy litigation that disputed Emanuel’s Chicago residency came to an end. The former White House Chief of Staff has succeeded in remaining on the ballot after several close calls. Because of the proximity of the decision to the election date, it almost cost taxpayers countless money on reprinting and correcting ballots. Polls showed Emanuel with clear leads.

Massive snowfall breaks records in the Northeast.

Significance: New York has received their highest amount of snow in January on record (almost half a meter). President Obama had cut his trip short, yet was still unavoidably detained in traffic for hours because of the white out.


Riots slowly get out of control in Egypt and other Arab countries.

Significance: The attempt of several Arab peoples to break away from the oppressive shackles that hold them in place may be in vain. There have been at least one thousand arrested and several dead in Egypt while their government remains in control. Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian President, raised military salaries so that the army remains loyal. The Muslim Brotherhood has orchestrated many of the demonstrations throughout the Arab world. Essentially, this is a terrorist organization in all but official recognition. It is considered a political movement throughout the region, but few other movements are responsible for massacres, Nazi-affiliations during the Second World War, and attempts at imposing Sharia law wherever they go. On the surface, it would appear that a democratic process was taking hold (even according to President Obama), but in actuality, it is uncertain. Next Arab country to look at will be Yemen. With Al Qaeda bases, insurrections and civil strife, and military conflict on the borders, recent protests will likely bring down the US-backed government.

U.N. official in charge of Human Rights denies Al Qaeda involvement in 9/11 attacks.

Significance: The guilty party, Richard Falk, is a permanent investigator on “Israel’s violations of the principles of international law”, which by itself is a bias council since it only looks at Israeli violations and not Palestinian. This is another example of the laughable existence of the United Nations. Though Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, has condemned the remarks, Falk remains in his position.

Important gay activist in Uganda beaten to death.

Significance: David Kato, a campaigner for gay rights in Kampala, was beaten to death after a newspaper published his name and address for being a homosexual. Uganda, a Christian nation, has seen a surge of anti-homosexuality since several American Evangelical preachers came to spread their religious myths. In 2009, there was an attempt to pass a severe anti-homosexuality bill to replace the regular punishments. Since the time of Idi Amin, “Iron Bar Killings” (name speaks for itself) have been the preferred method of murder.

Thought of the Day: "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn” –Emerson

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